Curriculum Guide
Course Registration


AP 2D Art and Design
This rigorous studio art course has a portfolio-based AP College Board assessment. It is designed for student artists who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art, have a rich background in research and studio work, and are well-versed in the concepts, principles, and elements of design. Student artists enrolled in AP Art prepare a two-part portfolio through organized mentorship in the studio and significant outside-of-class work. 

The portfolio should demonstrate the process of artistic investigation. Artworks that exhibit an exceptional synthesis of form, technique, and content compose the selected works section of the exam. The table below summarizes the art production requirements for AP portfolios. 

Due to the pace of art production, as well as the technical and conceptual demands of the three portfolios, the following are prerequisites for all AP Art applicants: 
  • A strong scope and sequence of 2D or 3D art courses
  • Completion of a minimum of five semesters of art  
  • A body of artwork to be discussed with Mr. Rose 
Application Process: Interested candidates must connect with the Art Department Chair (Brad Rose, brose@nscds.org) to set up a meeting to discuss the application components: a review of the artwork and one’s prior art experiences. Following this discussion, enrollment decisions will be made for each student. These conversations must happen within the AP Application window (2/12-3/5).

AP Music Theory
AP Music Theory is a rigorous course that is the equivalent of a first-year college-level music theory class. The recommended prerequisite is at least one year of an upper school choral or instrumental ensemble course.  In addition, students should have at least three years of private classical vocal or instrumental lessons.  Regardless of whether a student meets these prerequisites, any interested student should schedule an appointment with Mr. Mah during the AP application window to discuss their musical training and experience; based on that meeting, the student may be asked to take a practice exam and/or may be required to complete supplemental summer work before enrolling in the course.