Curriculum Guide

Course Designation


Information about Advanced Placement (AP) courses at NSCD can be found ON THIS PAGE.


Advanced Open Studies (AOS) offers highly motivated students the chance to explore a topic of personal academic interest in depth beyond the traditional curriculum. This program helps students become independent learners and strengthens their critical thinking and research skills. In AOS, students drive their own learning by selecting a topic, defining learning goals, and designing a plan to demonstrate their understanding. This includes developing key questions, conducting in-depth research, and creating a final project to showcase their learning. The course teacher acts as a mentor, providing guidance and feedback and ensuring the work is academically rigorous. AOS emphasizes deep understanding through independent study and critical analysis, culminating in a final project. This project can take many forms—a research paper, portfolio, experiment, performance, or even a community-based project—whatever best demonstrates the student's work and depth of exploration. Students will present their work to the school community at the end of the semester.

AOS is ideal for self-motivated, curious students who are comfortable taking initiative and working independently. Strong time management and resourcefulness are essential. AOS courses are enrichment opportunities and do not replace required coursework. They are designed for students ready to push their learning further.

How to Apply:
  • Meet with the department chair for your prospective AOS subject of interest: Discuss your proposed project with them to get feedback and strengthen your plan.
  • Submit a detailed proposal: Use the Advanced Course Application Form and include:
    • chosen topic
    • learning goals
    • research plan
    • proposed final project
  • Await approval and enrollment confirmation. AOS courses typically need at least five students to run and are not offered every school year or semester. Exceptions to the minimum enrollment rule may exist in certain departments based on other curriculum and scheduling considerations. Contact division leadership for more information.
Available to students in grade(s): 11/12
Prerequisite(s): Eleventh-grade students: Completion of core graduation requirements in fine arts. Concurrent enrollment in courses that will satisfy their biology, US History, world language, and math requirements. Twelfth-grade students: Completion of core graduation requirements in fine arts, math, science, social studies, and world languages.
Course length: Single-semester
Meeting Frequency: Every time the assigned block meets
Semester(s) offered: Semester one and semester two
Approval Required: Yes; completion of the Accelerated Course Recommendation Request form, approval of faculty advisor, and department head
Minimum Enrollment: 5 students
Next Course: Advanced Open Studies [IDENTIFIER] II, Advanced Open Studies: [IDENTIFIER] III


Independent Study offers 11th and 12th-grade students who have completed departmental graduation requirements the opportunity to explore academic interests beyond the established curriculum. This program allows students to design their course of Study, but proposals will only be considered for subjects already offered in the school catalog. Independent Study courses count as a student's fifth or sixth course, carry academic credit, and are graded on a pass/fail basis.

To pursue Independent Study, students must secure a faculty sponsor within the relevant department and complete the Advanced Course Application form. The appropriate Department Head and the Head of Upper School will review the submission. Students with questions should contact a member of the divisional leadership team.


North Shore Country Day offers a two-tiered system for its mathematics and science courses, designed to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of our students.

10-LEVEL COURSES: These courses provide a strong foundation in essential mathematical and scientific concepts and skills. Students in 10-level courses will develop a comprehensive understanding of the core curriculum, building a solid base for future learning. These courses emphasize a balance of conceptual understanding, problem-solving techniques, and practical application, creating a supportive and engaging learning environment for all students.

15-LEVEL COURSES: For students who have demonstrated a strong commitment and aptitude in their current math and science classes, we offer the opportunity to be placed in a 15-level course section. These accelerated courses delve deeper into the curriculum, challenging students to apply, combine, and synthesize concepts and skills at a higher level. Fifteen-level courses move at a faster pace and explore more complex topics, fostering critical thinking, analytical skills, and a deeper appreciation for the subject matter. Placement in 15-level courses is determined by the Math and Science Department.