AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore topics like evolution, energetics, information storage and transfer, and system interactions. In this course, students also study biochemistry, cell structure and function, cell communication and cell cycle, heredity, gene expression and regulation, natural selection, and ecology.
Available to students in grade(s): 12
Prerequisite(s): Department recommendation
Course length: Full-year
This course satisfies the Biology portion of the science graduation requirement.
COURSE DESCRIPTIONAP Chemistry is a rigorous laboratory-based course designed to be equivalent to a general chemistry course at the college undergraduate level. The course focuses on states and structure of matter, chemical thermodynamics, physical behavior of gases, advanced stoichiometry, chemical kinetics, systems in chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry, and the extensive use of reaction prediction as an analytical tool. In this second chemistry course, students engage in the foundations of chemistry from a much deeper mathematical perspective. Completing the experiments recommended by the College Board is an integral part of this course. Laboratory work emphasizes increased competency in solving chemical calculations and problems.
Available to students in grade(s): 11/12
Prerequisite(s): Department recommendation
Course length: Full-year
AP Environmental Science course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. The course helps students identify and analyze natural and human-induced environmental problems. It enables them to learn how to assess the risks associated with these problems and evaluate alternative solutions for resolving and preventing them. Students cultivate their understanding of the interrelationships of the natural world through inquiry-based lab investigations and field work as they explore concepts like the four Big Ideas: energy transfer, interactions between earth systems, interactions between different species and the environment, and sustainability.
Available to students in grade(s): 11/12
Prerequisite(s): Department recommendation
Course length: Full-year
AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based is built around knowledge central to classical physics. Course content primarily draws from the following three areas: translational and rotational Newtonian mechanics, including motion, forces, energy, and momentum. A working knowledge of algebra and basic trigonometry is required, especially as data analysis in the laboratory and solution strategies generally rely heavily on indispensable and reliable quantitative abilities. Emphasis is placed on collaborative efforts and the development of problem-solving skills.
Available to students in grade(s): 11/12
Prerequisite(s): Department recommendation
Course length: Full-year