Course Structure: GOA courses are traditional academic classes designed to complement a full course load at NSCD. Students should anticipate dedicating 5-7 hours of study time per week to these courses.
Academic Credit: Students earn NSCD credit for completed GOA courses. Course grades are factored into the student's NSCD GPA.
Tuition: NSCD covers the full tuition cost for enrolled students during the (August-May) school year. NSCD does not cover the cost of tuition for GOA Summer Courses.
Scheduling: GOA course schedules generally align with the NSCD academic calendar. If a GOA class meets during an NSCD break, students are expected to adhere to the GOA course schedule. GOA courses will not appear on a student's regular school day A-G schedule. Students are expected to plan for and manage coursework on their own.
Transcript Notation: GOA courses appear on the NSCD transcript as "[GOA] [Course Name]."
Graduation Requirements: GOA courses are electives and do not fulfill any required graduation courses at NSCD.
Enrollment Limits: North Shore students may enroll in a maximum of one GOA course per semester. Students must apply for permission to participate in the GOA program.