Curriculum Guide
Course Registration


The policy of the upper school history department is that any student interested in taking an Advanced Placement history course must participate in an application process to sign up for the course during the course scheduling process. Students who wish to take an AP course in the history department need to do several things. Students should discuss with their advisors and history teachers whether taking an AP history course seems to be a good decision in light of their overall course load and past performance. Below are the requirements and necessary steps, laid out for you:

AP US Government (yearlong):
  1. Students in 11th grade who received a B or higher during the first semester of their current History course may apply for admission to AP U.S. Government and Politics, though a B average does not guarantee admission into the class.
  2. Students pursuing this course must attend an informational meeting on February 15. 
  3. At the end of the current school year, history department members will review the final grade in U.S. History or AP U.S. History for each student approved to take a senior AP History elective.
AP U.S. History (yearlong):
  1. Students in 10th grade who received an A during the first semester may apply for admission to AP U.S. History, though an A average does not guarantee admission. In addition, students must earn an A for their final grade and have strong analytical writing skills. 
  2. Students must attend an informational meeting during the 930 block on February 15.  
  3. The student's performance in their present history course will be used to determine if they are accepted into AP U.S. History.
  4. At the end of the current school year, history department members will review each student's final grade in Modern World History and grant permission to take AP U.S. History.
AP African American Studies (yearlong):
  1. Students in 10th grade who received an A- or better during the first semester of Modern World History may apply for admission to AP African American Studies, though an A- average does not guarantee admission into the class. In addition, students must earn an A- for their final grade and have strong analytical writing skills. 
  2. Students in 11th grade who received a B or higher during the first semester of their current History course may enroll in AP African American Studies, though a B average does not guarantee admission into the class.
  3. Students pursuing this course must attend an informational meeting on February 15. 
  4. At the end of the current school year, history department members will review the final grade in U.S. History or AP U.S. History for each student approved to take a senior AP History elective.