March 12, 2024

Dear upper school families,

The registration process for upper school courses has begun! On Monday, February 26, students in the ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades attended a presentation regarding course selection and scheduling for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. This presentation covered essential details about important dates and what students can expect. You can access the presentation here.

We look forward to collaborating with you to craft a schedule that optimally supports your student's academic growth and ensures they are appropriately challenged. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about The School's academic program or the registration process.
Brian Frederick, Assistant Head of Upper School
Erin Aiston, Registrar and Database Administrator


The following dates are important to note:

Monday, March 4 - Friday, March 15

Ninth, tenth, and eleventh-grade students will meet with their advisors to discuss their course registration options for the 2024-2025 academic year. Advisors will collaborate with their advisees to adjust their four-year plans according to their interests, aspirations, and teacher suggestions. After these discussions, each advisor will share the revised four-year plans with the families of their advisees. Tenth and eleventh-grade students will have a ten-minute meeting with a college counselor. Students can discuss their interests and academic program considerations with the counselor during this time.

Friday, March 15 (5:00 p.m.)

Course registration system open to families

Monday, March 31 - Monday, April 8

Families are encouraged to use this time to contact their student's advisors or the Assistant Head of Upper School with any questions about 2024-2025 course options and selections.

Monday, April 8 (noon.)

Open registration period ends (system closes)



When the course request section opens:
  1. Go to MyNSCD and, from the landing page (My Day), click on Course Requests 
  2. Once you reach the course requests page, you will see instructions at the top. If you have any questions about what you see in terms of recommendations or about how to enter requests, email Mr. Frederick or Ms. Aiston.
  3. When you finish adding your requests, click SAVE at the bottom, righthand corner of the page.


When the course request section opens:
  1. Go to MyNSCD and, from the landing page, select your upper school student from the dropdown labeled Children (upper lefthand corner of the screen).
  2. Locate and click on Course Requests (center of the page) 
  3. Once you reach the course requests page, you will see instructions at the top. If you have any questions about what you see in terms of recommendations or about how to enter requests, email Mr. Frederick or Ms. Aiston.
  4. When you finish adding your requests, click SAVE at the bottom, righthand corner of the page.