Several elements influence course enrollment: student performance on placement tests, completion of required prerequisite courses, past academic grades, and, in certain cases, approval from department heads or school administrators. Although we aim to provide a broad selection of courses, practical limitations like staffing, minimum class sizes, and available classrooms can affect the final schedule. As a result, not all listed courses may be offered. Because we cannot guarantee enrollment in specific elective courses, students must select alternate choices for each elective you request.
The school creates its master schedule based on the course recommendations and requests submitted by students during open registration. While we make every effort to honor student preferences, the courses ultimately offered, the number of sections, and these requests directly shape the final class schedule. Therefore, changing course requests after the end of April can be very challenging or impossible. We strongly urge you to choose your courses promptly, carefully, and thoughtfully, as your selections directly determine the academic offerings for the following school year.