North Shore does not rank students or have an honor roll system. Grades are recorded in letter form in the upper school. There are plus and minus grades for each category, with the exception that there is no grade of A+.
A indicates excellent work
B indicates above-average work
C indicates average or satisfactory work
D indicates below-average work
NS indicates a failure
*INC see below
**P/F see *Incomplete (INC) Grades below
*INC (Incomplete)
When a student’s work is incomplete at the end of a semester, the teacher may assign a failing grade at that time or grant the student an extension. An extension is typically granted only when a severe medical problem exists. In any event, The School will not give credit for a course unless all major assignments have been completed. Any INC at the end of a semester must be made up before the mid-semester mark of the second semester.
**P/F (Pass/Fail)
Students can take a course for credit on a pass/fail basis if it is not required for graduation. The department head and head of upper school must approve the program for students who want to take any course pass/fail. In addition, approval from the college counselor is required for a twelfth grade. This option encourages students to explore academic areas they might not otherwise pursue. Students cannot take AP courses pass/fail. They can make, at most, one course pass/fail per year. If the pass/fail option is elected, students must receive a minimum grade of C- to pass. Students wishing to take a course pass/fail need to denote this as an option on their initial registration or make the appropriate request through the division head during the period when they may add, drop, or change a course. Final approval rests with the department head and The Head of Upper School.